Originally designed to help victims of domestic violence build court cases easily. However Case Manager can be useful in both positive and negative interactions: divorce, harassment, track employee progress, assist in determining portions, assist in firing. The app is easy to use and generates PDF reports helpful for consulting an attorney or law enforcement. It even prepares the records for submission as evidence in a court room!Selective phone call recording allows you to record only the calls between you and your contacts that you want. Protects your privacy by only recording what you want it to.
Likewise, email and txt messages are automatically captures. For capturing social media or multimedia messages, use the screenshot tool to capture an image of the screen and save it to the app.
For documenting evidence (physical harm, damaged property, etc) the app can direct capture images and video. It then records the time and location the each image/video was taken.
The sound recorder works in the background so you don't have to keep it on and visible for it to record. Hit the record button and blank the screen. Just don't forget to stop it!
Records can be viewed in the app or you can publish a PDF report of all records in your case. For submission to court, use the Evidence PDF report and it'll make the documents for introduction to evidence in a court case.
You can have as many cases open as you have space on your phone. However, expect the app to slow down with excessive cases open.
Give Case Manager a try today!